Welcome to the ide@ community

Home of the 100% free LEAP programme, helping you make the jump into starting your own business!

What is the ide@ community & Leap programme?

The ide@ community an online space for anyone with a burning desire to start a business or to be their own boss. We’ve created this place just for you, you're going to love it! It's in here that you'll find the Leap course, a new initiative to help aspiring business owners make the jump to entrepreneurship brought to you by the Leeds MIT REAP team. 

Our ambition is to create a vibrant, engaged and diverse community of potential entrepreneurs across the Leeds City Region.

What's inside...

We've a host of cool stuff waiting for you on the other side and you decide how you want to engage with the community and learning material. Dive in and join the conversation, find like-minded individuals and explore ideas with peers. 

Jump into entrepreneurship with Leap!

Our e-learning programme Leap has been curated to give you the tools you need to take those first steps in starting your own business. Whether you have a great idea already or are still searching for it, Leap will help prepare you for the exciting journey that awaits you as an entrepreneur.

*Learn and develop the skills you need to start your own business*

*Gain valuable insights from over 100 leading entrepreneurs and mentors*

*Collaborate and connect with like-minded people*

*Access information on funding and grants that might be available to you*

The best part! ‘Joining is completely FREE and Leap is open to anyone in the Leeds City Region

Mentoring support

We've teamed up with Next-Up and their amazing set of mentors to provide you with 1-2-1 mentoring and support to help you evolve and shape your ideas and business. With over 100 mentors, you'll be sure to find the perfect fit for you.

What are you waiting for! Join the ide@ community now and start your journey!

Leap Privacy Statement

The information that you provide in signing up to the Ide@ Mighty Networks site will only be used to enable your participation on this specific network. Leeds City Council, Leeds University and Munroe K are Joint Data Controllers of information you provide through the Ide@ network, and it is being held only through your explicit consent. Mighty Networks are a data processor of information you provide through Ide@ and a copy of their privacy policy is available here. Mighty Networks also use a number sub-processors to process your data and a list of these is available here

Please note that Mighty Networks processes your data in the United States and this means that it is subject to US law (including being accessible, on request, by US law enforcement agencies). Any transfer of data to Mighty Networks data servers is, therefore, conditional upon you acknowledging this and providing your explicit consent. 

Should you at any point wish to leave the Ide@ network, or delete your Mighty Networks account (including all personal data associated with it), instructions on how to do so are available here.

Leeds City Council’s, Leeds University’s and Munroe K’s corporate privacy notices, which include details of each controller’s Data Protection Officer and your Information Rights are available at the following links: Leeds City Council, Leeds University, Munroe K.

The information contained within ide@ is created by members of the ide@ community. It is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

 There can be no guarantee that the information contained within ide@ is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or organisation who has created or contributed to such information will incur or be under any liability arising from or in connection with such information, or its use.